• The Ohio State University
    • Associate Professor
    • Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
      Department of Economics
      John Glenn College of Public Affairs

  • National Bureau of Economic Research
    • Research Associate

  • Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
    • Co-editor

  • Journal of Health Economics
    • Editor

Interests: Health and environmental economics
Alex Hollingsworth is an associate professor at The Ohio State University with joint appointments in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics; the Department of Economics; and the John Glenn College of Public Affairs. He is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, a co-editor at the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, and an editor at the Journal of Health Economics. Hollingsworth is an applied microeconomist with interests in health and environmental economics. His research has been published in outlets including the American Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, the Journal of Public Economics, and the Journal of Human Resources. He also co-hosts a podcast, The Hidden Curriculum with Sebastian Tello-Trillo. The Hidden Curriculum aims to cover topics relevant to academic life with a focus on things that are not formally taught in graduate school.

    Working Papers


    Work in Progress
    • Cognitive performance and air pollution: Evidence from India.

      Patrick Carlin, Alex Hollingsworth, and Jamie Mullins.

      NUMBER 15

    • The Ohio State University

      • ECON 1101: Using big data to solve economic and social problems

        , 2024-

      • AEDECON 8220: Frontiers in healh and environmental economics

        , 2024-

      • PUBAFRS 3000: Public policy analysis

        , 2023

      • AEDECON 6330: Cost-benefit analysis

        , 2023

      Indiana University

      • SPEA-H 124: Overview of the U.S. health care system

        , 2015 - 2023

      • SPEA-H 455: Health industry regulation

        , 2022

      • SPEA-H 524: Health industry regulation

        , 2017 - 2023

      • SPEA-V 506: Statistical analysis for effective decision making

        , 2018 - 2022

      • SPEA-P 764: Seminar in policy analysis

        , 2021 - 2023

      University of Arizona

      • Economics 323: The economics of sports

        , 2014

      • Economics 371: Economic development

        , 2013

      • Economics 330: Macroeconomic and global institutions and policy

        , 2012
